代表取締役 CEO
2003年慶應義塾大学経済学部卒業。2008年公認会計士試験合格後、監査法人トーマツ(現、有限責任監査法人トーマツ)へ入社。トータルサービス部門にて、主に法定監査、任意監査、IPO・M&A支援、財務デューデリジェンスに従事。2012年より独立開業し、まほろ綜合会計事務所を開設。大手企業の会計コンサルティングから個人の開業・法人設立の支援まで、会計を中心とした企業支援を行なう。2017年12月に共同創業者として株式会社SPACE WALKERを設立。日本初の有人宇宙飛行の実現を目指し、大手重工業等との技術アライアンスをベースにサブオービタルスペースプレーンを開発。宇宙産業のプラットフォームたる宇宙輸送の分野で世界のリードを狙う。
AKIHIDE MANABE is a graduate of Keio University School of Economics. And he is also qualified as a Certified Public Accountant. Formerly he belonged to Deloitte and was engaged in audit work. In 2012, he opened an accounting office and became a manager. In December 2017, he co-founded a spaceplane company named SPACE WALKER, INC and became a representative director. SPACE WALKER Inc., one of the space development startups recently established in Japan, is working on the development and operation of fully reusable winged sub-orbital planes.
The era in which humankind freely travels in space. In order to begin the new era, the development of manned spacecraft and the development of spaceports are underway all over the world. Industry leaders will discuss the kind of services that will be created in the future and how the world will change as a result