法律実務を駆使した事業構築・事業展開の意思決定と遂行戦略のサポート(エクセキューションデザイン)を手掛ける(M&A、事業提携、国際展開、資金調達、新規ビジネス構築、IP戦略等)。 2005年から2011年まで西村あさひ法律事務所にてM&Aロイヤーとして稼働。スタンフォード大学留学を経て2012年から2014年まで米国シリコンバレーにてハードウェアスタートアップWHILL, Inc.の設立メンバーを務め、事業運営・2ラウンド合計約15億円の資金調達を実行。米国コロラド州のアクセラレーターであるBoomtown Acceleratorメンター。宇宙スタートアップ促進のための組織である一般社団法人SPACETIDE創業者。
Nishimura & Asahi
As a partner of Nishimura & Asahi, Atsushi Mizushima supports companies’ deal execution and deal term design in various sectors such as M&A, business alliance, global expansion, fundraising and new business creation.
After he earned an MBA at Stanford, his team started WHILL, a Silicon Valley-based startup, where he developed its business and achieved two rounds of VC fundraising (USD13MM). He is also a mentor at Boomtown Accelerator, a Colorado-based startup incubator as well as a founder of SPACETIDE, an organization supporting startups in the space industry.
The trend of international lunar exploration under the Artemis Accords is accelerating rapidly. The new era of the lunar exploration is a complex and magnificent one that includes technology, industry, and legal systems, aiming to form a 'lunar society' in which humankind lives. In addition to the conventional space agencies and companies, startups and non-space enterprises are expected to play an active role, and we will hold discussions with leaders from various fields.