小野 雅裕

Surface Mobility Group


NASAジェット推進研究所(Jet Propulsion Laboratory)技術者。火星ローバー・パーサヴィアランスの自動運転ソフトウェアの開発や地上管制に携わる他、将来の宇宙探査機の自律化に向けた様々な研究を行なっている。 1982年大阪生まれ、東京育ち。 2005年東京大学工学部航空宇宙工学科卒業。 2012年マサチューセッツ工科大学(MIT)航空宇宙工学科博士課程および同技術政策プログラム修士課程修了。 2012年より慶應義塾大学理工学部の助教。 2013年より現職。 2020年より宇宙フロンティア・ファンド技術アドバイザー 2016年よりミーちゃんのパパ。阪神ファン。好物はたくあんだが、塩分を控えるために現在節制中。 著書に『宇宙を目指して海を渡る』(2014)、『宇宙に命はあるのか』(2018)、『宇宙の話をしよう』(2020)。

Hiro Ono

Technical Group Lead
Surface Mobility Group

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Masahiro "Hiro" Ono has been a Research Technologist at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory since 2013. He also serves as a technical advisor for the Space Innovation Fund run by Sparx Group. His broad interest is centered around the application of autonomy for space missions, with an emphasis on enhancing the safety, efficiency, and performance of robotic mobility though the applications of risk-aware decision making and machine learning. Before joining JPL, Hiro was an assistant professor at Keio University in Japan. He graduated from MIT in 2012 with a PhD in Aeronautics and Astronautics and an MS in Technology and Policy. At JPL he has led a number of research projects, including three NIAC studies on Enceladus Vent Explorer (Phase I and II) and Comet Hitchhiker (Phase I), a strategic R&TD on machine learning-based analytics for automated rover systems (MAARS), an ONR-funded research on risk-aware, human-cooperative autonomy, and a JPL-Caltech joint project on imitation learning-based planning. Hiro was a flight software developer of M2020’s Enhanced AutoNav and the lead of M2020 Landing Site Traversability Analysis. He also led the development of a machine learning-based Martian terrain classifier, SPOC (Soil Property and Object Classification), which was delivered to MSL OPGS and won JPL's Software of the Year Award in 2020. Outside of JPL, Hiro is the father of a 4-year-old princess, a backpacker who has visited 30+ countries, an acoustic guitarist who is only allowed to play Disney songs these days, an amateur astronomer armed with a 6-inch reflector, and the author of three books for the general readers.

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