森 裕和



一般社団法人SPACETIDEグローバルチームPM、世界初民間宇宙飛行士訓練事業Blue AbyssのAPACビジネスデベロップメントエグゼクティブ。英エジンバラ大学理論宇宙物理学部飛び級入学・首席卒業。エジンバラ王立協会から支援金を受け、理論宇宙論の研究(重力波・修正重力論)経験あり。プロダイバーとして地中海で活躍し若手プロダイバーとして欧州・地中海エリアで賞も受賞し有名ダイビング雑誌に掲載される。バックパッカーの経験もあり、現在までに約80カ国訪問。日本に帰国後、国内大手の経営コンサルタントとして、宇宙×グローバル×DXの新規事業創出と事業戦略をテーマにコンサルティングを行う。オーストラリア政府主催の地球観測会議GEOWEEK2019のインダストリトラックや宇宙産業の若手有志によるイベントNEXTSPACE Vol4等で登壇。趣味は沈船・海中洞窟ダイビング、飛行機操縦、ピアノ演奏、美術、宇宙物理等。宇宙飛行士として月面探査に参加するべく日々研磨している。

Hirokazu Mori

Global Team PM

SPACETIDE Foundation

APAC Business Development Executive

Blue Abyss

Hirokazu Mori is PM of Global team at General Incorporated Association SPACETIDE and APAC Business Development Executive of Blue Abyss, which is the world's first private astronaut training firm. He entered the University of Edinburgh directly from the 2nd year, and read Theoretical astrophysics and graduated from the top. He received grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh and has experience in theoretical cosmology research (gravitational waves and modified gravitational theory). He was active in the Mediterranean as a professional diver, has won awards in the European and Mediterranean areas as a young professional diver, and has been featured in a famous diving magazine. He has experience as a backpacker and has visited about 80 countries so far. After returning to Japan, he works as a business consultant at a major domestic business consulting firm in Japan, consulting on the theme of new business creation, business strategy of space sector, and  global DX strategy. He took the stage at the industry track of the Earth observation conference GEOWEEK 2019 sponsored by the Australian government and the event NEXTSPACE Vol4 by young volunteers from the space industry. His hobbies include wreck / underwater cave diving, airplane piloting, piano performance, art, and astrophysics. He hopes to go to the moon as an astronaut.

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