1978年長野県生まれ。東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科機械宇宙システム専攻博士課程修了。在学中、超小型衛星CUTE-I(CubeSat), Cute-1.7 + APDの開発・運用に携わった。卒業後、2008年にアクセルスペースを共同創業。取締役に就任。
Co-Founder, Director & Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
Axelspace Corporation
Born in Nagano Prefecture in 1978. Completed a doctoral degree in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology. While a student, He involved in the development and ground operation of CUTE-I(CubeSat) and Cute-1.7+APD. He established Axelspace Corporation in 2008.
The space industry is shifting, and rapidly achieving worldwide service provision. The existing business model of delivering equipment to the government has come to an end, and we are entering into an era where the expectation is to to deliver wide-ranging, fast, and low-cost services to various customers. How should we tackle this paradigm shift in technology? Top engineers of domestic leading players will exchange their thoughts on this topic