東京大学 大学院
工学系 研究科 航空宇宙工学専攻
1983年東京大学工学部卒、1988年東京大学博士課程修了、工学博士。同年、日本アイ・ビー・エム東京基礎研究所入社。1990年より東京大学講師、助教授を経て、2004年より航空宇宙工学専攻教授。日本航空宇宙学会、SICE、IAA等会員, IFAC元航空宇宙部会部門長、UNISEC元理事長、およびUNISEC-GLOBALは設立時より委員長。超小型人工衛星、宇宙システムの知能化・自律化、革新的宇宙システム、宇宙機の航法誘導制御等に関する研究・教育に従事。世界初のCubeSatを含む超小型衛星12機の開発・打ち上げに成功。政府の宇宙政策委員会委員。
Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics
The University of Tokyo
Prof. Nakasuka graduated from University of Tokyo in 1983 and got Ph.D in 1988. He joined IBM Research during 1988-1990, and then worked for Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, University of Tokyo as a lecturer in 1990, as an Associate Professor, and became a Professor in 2004. He is a member of JSASS, SICE, and IAA, and the former Chairperson of IFAC Aerospace Technical Committee and current president of UNISEC-GLOBAL. His major research areas include micro/nano/pico-satellites, autonomy and intelligence for space systems, novel space systems, and guidance, navigation and control of spacecraft. He developed and launched 12 micro/nano/pico-satellites successfully including the world first CubeSat. Member of Space Policy Committee of Japanese government.