松尾 剛彦



昭和63年4月通産省入省(現経済産業省)。平成17年6月 日本政府経済協力開発機構(OECD)代表部参事官、19年9月 国際エネルギー機関(IEA)事務局長補佐官、21年7月 資源エネルギー庁電力・ガス事業部電力市場整備課長、22年4月 内閣参事官(内閣官房副長官補付)、24年7月 産業技術環境局環境政策課長、25年6月 大臣官房会計課長、26年7月 資源エネルギー庁長官官房総合政策課長、27年9月 電力取引監視等委員会事務局長、28年4月 電力・ガス取引監視等委員会事務局長、29年8月 大臣官房審議官(通商政策局担当)を歴任。令和元年7月より内閣府宇宙開発戦略推進事務局長を務める。

Takehiko Matsuo

Director-General, National Space Policy Secretariat

Cabinet Office
Government of JAPAN

2019- Director General, National Space Policy Secretariat, CAO 2017-2019 Director General for Trade Policy, METI 2016-2017 Secretary General, Electricity and Gas Market Surveillance Commission 2015-2016 Secretary General, Electricity Market Surveillance Commission 2014-2015 Director, General Policy Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy (ANRE), METI 2013-2014 Director, Budget and Accounts Division, METI 2012-2013 Director, Environmental Policy Division, METI 2010-2012 Counsellor, Cabinet Secretariat 2009-2010 Director, Electricity Market Division, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy, METI 2007-2009 Special Adviser to the Executive Director, IEA 2005-2007 Counsellor, Permanent Delegation of Japan to the OECD 1988- Joined the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Speaker Sessions



A New Stage in the Japanese Space Industry Exploited by Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration


The Japanese space industry is accelerating with the government budget for FY 2021 reaching a record high of 450 billion yen and the number of start-up companies reaching 50. The collaboration between academia and industry has begun. How should industry, academia and government collaborate in order for the space industry to develop and expand, eventually becoming a pillar of Japan's future growth strategy? We will be discussing this topic with leaders in spanning various fields.

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