子供の頃に観たスターウォーズに魅了され、宇宙開発を志す。ジョージア工科大学で修士号(航空宇宙工学)を取得。大学院時代は次世代航空宇宙システムの概念設計に携わる。外資系経営コンサルティングファーム勤務を経て2010年より史上初の民間月面探査レース「Google Lunar XPRIZE」に参加する日本チーム「HAKUTO」を率いた。同時に、運営母体の組織を株式会社ispaceに変更する。現在は史上初の民間月面探査プログラム「HAKUTO-R」を主導しながら月面輸送を主とした民間宇宙ビジネスを推進中。宇宙資源を利用可能にすることで、人類が宇宙に生活圏を築き、地球と月の間に持続可能なエコシステムの構築を目指し挑戦を続けている。
Founder & CEO
ispace, inc.
Inspired by Star Wars as a child, Takeshi Hakamada set out to pursue a life focused on space exploration. He went on to earn a Master’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech, where he was involved in the conceptual design of next-generation aerospace systems. Starting in 2010, while working for a management consulting firm, he worked part-time to lead the Japanese team, HAKUTO, one of the finalists for the Google Lunar XPRIZE competition, and changed the team’s management to ispace, inc. As Founder & CEO of ispace, Takeshi has raised record fundraising for the company and is now leading a multinational commercial lunar exploration program, known as HAKUTO-R. An active proponent for the commercial space industry, Takeshi is guiding ispace to continuously challenge itself to enable humans to establish a sustainable ecosystem between the Earth and the Moon by unlocking the utilization of space resources.
The trend of international lunar exploration under the Artemis Accords is accelerating rapidly. The new era of the lunar exploration is a complex and magnificent one that includes technology, industry, and legal systems, aiming to form a 'lunar society' in which humankind lives. In addition to the conventional space agencies and companies, startups and non-space enterprises are expected to play an active role, and we will hold discussions with leaders from various fields.