理事 兼 COO
一般社団法人SPACETIDE共同設立者・理事兼COOとして、日本初の民間発宇宙ビジネスカンファレンス"SPACETIDE"の企画・運営を行う。 野村総合研究所にて16年間、宇宙ビジネスやスタートアップ支援、オープン・イノベーション関連のコンサルティングに、政策立案から企業戦略まで幅広く従事。2019年6月、ispaceに参画。 東京大学理学部卒(地球惑星物理学・2001年)・同大学院理学系研究科修了(地球惑星科学・2003年)、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校(UCLA)MPP(公共政策学修士・2013年)。総務省「宇宙利用の将来像に関する懇話会」構成員。気象庁「静止気象衛星に関する懇談会」委員。茨城県「いばらき宇宙ビジネス創造アドバイザー」
Director & COO
SPACETIDE Foundation
As Co-founder, Director and COO of SPACETIDE Foundation, Masashi Sato works on promotion and fostering new space industry through its national first private-led space business conference and different activities. Masashi is also active as Global Affairs and Business Development Director of ispace, Inc. from 2019. He has previously worked for Nomura Research Institute as a strategic business consultant from 2003 to 2019. He has a B.S. from the University of Tokyo (2001), a M.S. from the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo (2003), and a Master of Public Policy from the University of California, Los Angeles (2013). He is a committee member of the "Committee of Future Space Utilization" by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communication and a committee member of the "Committee of Next-gen Geosynchronous Meteorological Satellite" by the Japan Meteorological Agency
It is no longer unusual that new space players have rockets reaching outer space (such as startups and emerging space nations), and the global rocket market appears fiercely competitive. In 2021, this momentum will be further accelerated by virtue of the number of rockets scheduled to launch in this year. We will discuss these trends and the current state of the industry with existing and new players from different countries.