新谷 美保子


慶応義塾大学法学部法律学科卒業後、2006年弁護士登録(TMI総合法律事務所所属)。専門分野は、宇宙航空ビジネスに関する法務全般、知的財産権、IT・通信、新規事業立上げ、リスク管理、宇宙法・航空法。2013年米国コロンビア大学ロースクール卒業後は、宇宙航空産業に複数のクライアントを持ち、民間企業間の大型紛争、宇宙ベンチャー投資、宇宙ビジネスに特有な契約交渉等、数多くの宇宙ビジネス法務を扱う。2016年より週に一度、JAXA新事業促進部非常勤招聘職員としても勤務。また2018年には一般社団法人Space Port Japan設立メンバーとして理事に就任。

Mihoko Shintani

TMI Associates Law Firm

After graduating from Keio University Faculty of Law, Ms. Shintani became a registered attorney in 2006 as a member of the TMI Associates law firm. She particularly possesses expertise in aviation and space law, intellectual property rights, IT and communications matters, business startups, and risk management. In 2013 Ms. Shintani also matriculated at Columbia Law School in New York and upon graduation she has led a wide range of cases for multiple clients in the aerospace industry, including major disputes between private companies, space venture investment, and space business transactions. Also working as a part-time staff of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) once a week from 2016. Co-Founder and Director, Space Port Japan Association (SPJ) in 2018.

Speaker Sessions


SDGs×宇宙ビジネス:社会課題解決にむけた宇宙ビジネスプレイヤーの挑戦(協力:Space Biz for the SDGs)

SDGs x Space Business: Challenges of Space Business Players to Solve Social Issues (This panel is supported by Space Biz for the SDGs)

COVID-19をはじめ人類は様々な社会課題に直面しています。国連サミットで採択された「持続可能な開発目標」はあらゆる産業を巻き込んだ流れになりつつあります。そうした課題に対して宇宙ビジネスに何ができるか?昨年立ち上がった官民イニシアチブ「Space Biz for the SDGs」のメンバーとともに議論をしていきます。

Humankind has faced various social issues in history, including the current COVID-19 pandemic. The 'Sustainable Development Goals' adopted at the United Nations Summit are becoming an increasingly important priority than involves almost all industries. So what roles can the space industry have to address some of these social issues? We will discuss with members of the public-private initiative, Space Biz for the SDGs, that was launched last year.

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