小笠原 治







1971年京都市生まれ。さくらインターネット共同ファウンダーを経て、ネット系企業の代表を歴任。2011年、nomadを設立しスタートアップ支援事業を軸に活動。2013年、ABBALabとして投資事業を開始。同年、DMM.makeのプロデューサーとして3Dプリント、2014年に.make AKIBAを設立。2015年、さくらインターネットにフェローとして復帰。2017年、京都芸術大学教授、mercari R4Dのシニア・フェローに就任。他、内閣府SIP構造化チーム 委員、経済産業省 データポータビリティに関する検討会 委員、福岡市スタートアップ・サポーターズ理事等。

Osamu Ogasahara


SAKURA internet Inc.


ABBA Lab Inc.  


Kyoto University of the Arts

Born in 1971, Kyoto, Japan. After served as a Co-founder of SAKURA internet, Inc., he successively held the positions such as presidents in various internet-related companies. In 2011, he established nomad Inc., which conducts start-up support business. In 2013, ABBA Lab Inc. was established to conduct investment business specialized in prototyping. At the same year, he started “DMM.make 3D-print”, which offer customers not only to create their own 3D products but also sell them at its online-market, as a producer. In 2014, he established DMM.make AKIBA, which is one of the largest manufacturing facilities in Japan owned 3D printers, CNCs, anechoic chambers, and even sharing offices to support start-up companies and hardware-developers. In 2015, he returned to SAKURA internet as a fellow and became an evangelist of DMM.make AKIBA. In 2017, he became a professor of Kyoto University of the Arts. He also became a senior fellow of mercari R4D (Research for Design, Development, Deployment and Disruption), which is R&D organization established for implementation

Speaker Sessions


SDGs×宇宙ビジネス:社会課題解決にむけた宇宙ビジネスプレイヤーの挑戦(協力:Space Biz for the SDGs)

SDGs x Space Business: Challenges of Space Business Players to Solve Social Issues (This panel is supported by Space Biz for the SDGs)

COVID-19をはじめ人類は様々な社会課題に直面しています。国連サミットで採択された「持続可能な開発目標」はあらゆる産業を巻き込んだ流れになりつつあります。そうした課題に対して宇宙ビジネスに何ができるか?昨年立ち上がった官民イニシアチブ「Space Biz for the SDGs」のメンバーとともに議論をしていきます。

Humankind has faced various social issues in history, including the current COVID-19 pandemic. The 'Sustainable Development Goals' adopted at the United Nations Summit are becoming an increasingly important priority than involves almost all industries. So what roles can the space industry have to address some of these social issues? We will discuss with members of the public-private initiative, Space Biz for the SDGs, that was launched last year.

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